根据计算图像哈希值方式的不同,从而存在不同的图像哈希算法。此处主要使用到的是在OpenCV Contrib库中的img_hash模块,其提供了很多种计算图像哈希值的算法,这里主要推荐三种算法,分别是:
- Average Hash:基于像素均值计算哈希值,一种快速的图像哈希算法,但仅适用于简单情况。
- PHash:AverageHash的改进版,比AverageHash慢,但可以适应更多的情况。
- Marr Hildreth Hash:基于Marr-Hildreth边缘算子计算哈希值,速度最慢,但更具区分性。
- 1011101 与 1001001 之间的汉明距离是 2。将第一个字符串第三位的1改为0,第五位的1改为0就和第二个字符串一样了,所以是2。
- 2143896 与 2233796 之间的汉明距离是 3。
- ”toned” 与 “roses” 之间的汉明距离是 3。
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| #include "opencv2/core.hpp" #include "opencv2/core/ocl.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/img_hash.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv; using namespace cv::img_hash; using namespace std;
template <typename T> inline void test_one(const std::string &title, const Mat &a, const Mat &b) { cout << "=== " << title << " ===" << endl; TickMeter tick; Mat hashA, hashB; Ptr<ImgHashBase> func; func = T::create();
tick.reset(); tick.start(); func->compute(a, hashA); tick.stop(); cout << "compute1: " << tick.getTimeMilli() << " ms" << endl;
tick.reset(); tick.start(); func->compute(b, hashB); tick.stop(); cout << "compute2: " << tick.getTimeMilli() << " ms" << endl;
cout << "compare: " << func->compare(hashA, hashB) << endl << endl;; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 3) { cerr << "must input the path of input image and target image. ex : hash_samples lena.jpg lena2.jpg" << endl; return -1; } ocl::setUseOpenCL(false);
Mat input = imread(argv[1]); Mat target = imread(argv[2]);
test_one<AverageHash>("AverageHash", input, target); test_one<PHash>("PHash", input, target); test_one<MarrHildrethHash>("MarrHildrethHash", input, target); test_one<RadialVarianceHash>("RadialVarianceHash", input, target); test_one<BlockMeanHash>("BlockMeanHash", input, target);
return 0; }

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| $ ./imghash lena.jpg lena2.jpg === AverageHash === compute1: 41.0088 ms compute2: 0.010916 ms compare: 0
=== PHash === compute1: 5.08526 ms compute2: 0.029897 ms compare: 0
=== MarrHildrethHash === compute1: 15.3049 ms compute2: 3.6342 ms compare: 0
=== RadialVarianceHash === compute1: 0.379439 ms compute2: 0.296902 ms compare: 1
=== BlockMeanHash === compute1: 0.298048 ms compute2: 0.256746 ms compare: 0

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| $ ./imghash lena.jpg lena3.jpg === AverageHash === compute1: 0.095063 ms compute2: 0.004088 ms compare: 27
=== PHash === compute1: 0.111951 ms compute2: 0.017173 ms compare: 39
=== MarrHildrethHash === compute1: 5.27253 ms compute2: 3.76183 ms compare: 307
=== RadialVarianceHash === compute1: 0.380913 ms compute2: 0.433301 ms compare: 0.425406
=== BlockMeanHash === compute1: 0.279763 ms compute2: 0.265222 ms compare: 132